Up to November 2014, the children were getting water from the nearby stream that upriver serves as the local village gutter drainage. As a consequence, even with boiling, some children were becoming sick. During the dry season (4 months) the small stream would dry up to a trickle and recently dried up completely
In early 2015, a Swedish foundation financed the construction of a well, but upon completion it produced very little water and has been discontinued.
In November 2014, Akwakwaa Foundation negotiated a water purchase agreement between the Orphanage and a nearby neighbor that had access to the local district water pipe. The Orphanage children now get clean drinkable water when needed, but they have to carry it and it is not a long term solution.
In May 2015, our Foundation began negotiating with the local water district organization to install a water service from the nearby supply pipe in the jungle to the Orphanage. As part of their application process, we have hired a local engineering company to prepare a site plan and the Orphanage Director has prepared the application letter.
Your donation will fund the upcoming installation of the District water pipe and meter, the poly tank to store the water, as the District supplies water only when there is no power outages, and the associated plumbing to connect the poly tank to the food preparation areas, the clothes washing areas, and the children’s washing area.