A pay report with each worker's name, the amount paid, and initials to indicate they have received paymentNot counting teachers, there are eight people who work at the Faith Needy Children’s Home. The Akwakwaa Foundation pays them monthly. Each person signs the receipt when they receive their pay at the end of the month. The people who work there, and their positions and monthly pay are:

MARY ACQUACH (Pastor’s wife). Mother ( 80 GH )
PATRICIA (Pastor’s daughter). Mother + Head Cook ( 80 GH )
DORA NKANSAH (Pastor’s daughter). Mother ( 80 GH )
NICHOLAS NYANKOH. Security and Maintenance ( 40 GH )
SOLOMON NKANSAH (Pastor’s son). Transportation (40 GH )
MERCY. Kitchen ( 80 GH )
AMA ESTER. Washing ( 80 GH )
AMA BADU. Washing (80 GH )


(Mary Acquach, Patricia, Dora Nkansah)

The children are divided into three groups by age. Each of the three mothers handles one group of children and does the following:

  • Waking the children up at 6 o’clock
  • Brushing the children’s teeth and bathing them
  • Getting the children ready for school
  • Feeding the small children
  • Bringing the small children to bed
  • Giving out medication and taking care of wounds
  • Sending sick children to the hospital
  • Being a mother figure to the children
  • Dora washes boys’ clothes

Kitchen Ladies

(Mercy and Patricia)

  • Preparing the children’s food and serving it
  • Keeping the kitchen clean
  • Collecting the dishes after the children eat
  • Going weekly to the local market to buy the food

A dusty woman with a ladle stands over a kettle boiling on a wood fire, as children watch

Washing Ladies

(Ama Ester & Ama Badu)

  • Washing the girl children’s clothes
  • Hanging the clothes, folding the dry clothes and putting the clean clothes inside the dorms
  • Organizing dirty and clean clothes
  • Ama Ester cleans the girl’s dorms

A young woman surrounded by basins of clothes and dirty water bends over a bowl of soapy clothes

Transportation Driver

(Solomon Nkansah)

Tro Tro manager. Drives the tro tro 6:10 am to 8:00 am and after school. He does two trips to the town Breiku and one to the local village both before and after school. He transports about 15 children each trip. Between the tro tro trips he works on his father’s (Pastor) farm where they grow cassavas that are one of the mainstays of the children’s diet.

He is also in charge of cleaning the boys sleeping rooms but that does not seem to be happening. Also the boys should be learning to clean their own dorm rooms. On Saturdays he wipes down the mattresses and shows children how to wash floors.

Compound Maintenance / Security Man

(Nicholas Nyankoh)

He rents a small room 15 GH per month in a house on the orphanage property which is owned by someone else. His duties:

  • Weeding and cleaning the Orphanage property
  • Maintenance of the orphanage buildings and doing small repairs
  • Security man



  • Documentation of expenses (receipts, collecting signatures of the workers and teachers after they are paid)
  • Responsible for the financial situation of the orphanage (budget for food, bills)
  • Responsible for all administrative work at the orphanage
  • Responsible for important documents concerning the children (e.g., health insurance cards and education test results)
  • Giving information to new/current/former volunteers
  • Assisting volunteers and sponsors doing projects at the home
  • Contact liaison to sponsors (reports and pictures)


There have been no volunteers at the orphanage to date. When there are volunteers in the future they can assist the workers in any of their activities, as well as the teachers. There is a house on the orphanage property where volunteers could stay. Now, with no volunteers, there are friends of the Pastor staying there.